Why Global Consciousness?

The graph below places this shift to consciousness in the framework of social evolution. The “Life Cycle of Evolution” (LCE) plotted in the graph is based on historical data and uses a logarithmic scale to reveal the rise of civilization over millennia.
The great S-curve seen in the graph follows the growth cycle of all life … a colony of bacteria, a child, and the entire planet. As noted, the world recently passed through the Knowledge Age and is now in the beginning stage of a Consciousness Age. All stages of evolution are driven by revolutions in thought. A Global Consciousness is emerging now to resolve today’s existential global crises of climate, pandemics, inequality, etc. as the foundation for a functioning, unified world.
Opportunity for a Project Leader
The work of TechCast and the book, Beyond Knowledge, make it clear that the world is now moving beyond the Knowledge Age into an Age of Consciousness. This historic shift demands a global consciousness to address climate change, inequality, conflict, and other threats – or face disaster.
TechCast is launching a project to develop a sophisticated website able to allow anyone to experience global consciousness – roughly like the profound emotions felt by William Shatner (Capt. Kirk) when in near-earth orbit. Preliminary plans have been described on the TechCast website and a group of advisors has been formed to assist this effort.
We are now searching for an outstanding person to lead the project. This individual should have the following qualifications:
- Experienced Entrepreneur Demonstrated success in launching startups and bringing them to maturity as productive enterprises.
- Digital Native Young enough to have been raised on digital technology, and capable of guiding the design of a creative website that serves as this portal.
- Skilled Leadership Experienced in leading a team, soliciting support, planning operations, and collaborating with the project’s advisors.
- Business Development Able to raise needed funds through crowdfunding, paying sponsors, contributions, and other sources.
- Committed to Consciousness Studies Sound understanding of the exploding field of consciousness studies and committed to the Portal concept.
The project leader is expected to devote at least 20 hours/week to present an inspiring vision and goals, schedule tasks, estimate cost and income projections, form a team of key players, and launch the website within roughly one year. Some funding is available, but the project leader should raise the bulk of resources, including his/her salary.
This is a unique opportunity to create a project that could go viral. We find that people are fascinated by the idea, and they are eager to experience it. This project should also have great appeal for crowdfunding and paying sponsors. As a parttime job, this could pay an attractive salary and establish your reputation as a creative leader.
Applicants are asked to contact Prof. William Halal at
William Halal, Beyond Knowledge: How Technology Is Driving an Age of Consciousness Prof. Halal’s Magnus Opus explores how social evolution and the digital revolution are creating an emerging Age of Consciousness.
Subjective Consciousness Now Dominates Society This TechCast study finds that emotion, values, beliefs, and other subjective factors dominate decisions of individuals/families, organizations, and government/politics.
Global Consciousness About 2030 TechCast pools the collective intelligence of its international body of thought leaders to forecast that some form of global consciousness is likely to emerge in 2030 +/- 5 years.
A New Renaissance This invitation to “Pivot to a New Rennaissance” by Sohail Inayatullah is fascinating. Sohail is one of the most vibrant futurists in the world today.
From Anticipation to Emancipation Another masterpiece by Sohail Inayatullah. Here Sohail outlines the passage through ix stages of the future.
Challenge for Global Consciousness Gerri Schwartz and Desmond Berghofer, founders of the Visioneers Network, sum up the challenge of global sustainability.
Communityship Famed management authority Henry Mintzberg defines “communityship” as individuals so well connected by a common purpose that they all provide leadership. That’s the goal of global consciousness.
Join the Portal
The Global Consciousness Portal welcomes all interested parties to join this effort: Partners contributing resources. Faculty teaching workshops and seminars. Individuals participating in our activities. Contact Prof. Halal at Portal